This was Marjorie. I can't even explain what I felt this day. She was blind from a form of cancer that destroyed her vision. This was the Greater Boston's Blind association. I was able to help Marj finish a bag she had been making from last winter! I also led a group of them in chair exercises and sang some pretty good songs :) But really, Marj and I connected so well and it was just incredible to hear about her life then and her life now.
Overall, I can't even describe the feelings I felt and gratitude I have. I went into this thinking I was going to be a good citizen and great person by volunteering my time and money for these people. Ah! I quickly found out it's not me, they are the great people. People with disabilities endure things that I can't comprehend. They have every right to despise life but most choose to endure and look at the blessings they have... and I realized the blessings I often overlook. And from what I've seen, most of those who have decided to look at the positive things despite their disabilities, also believe in Christ. I don't think that is coincidence. In the words of my friend bailey, I think its a godicence.