Friday, December 11, 2009


Don't hate... you gotta love it :)

How do you know you are a native Arizonan newly married in Boston?

When you leave the butter out of the fridge... it's still frozen

Your rent is a bigger number than your pay check

Your closet is full of red shirts and khaki pants

You say "drinking fountain" and no one knows what you're talking about

The guy that lives above you has dred locks to his waist and is always watching tv

Several creepy old men ask you to marry them

The crazy lady calls you crazy

People think you're crazy for getting married before having kids

You sit at home in the dark so utility bills won't be too high

Fast food is a treat for a meal because you don't have to make it

You love the snow

After the first day of snow you realize you don't love the snow as much

Your landlord's name is Geatano

When the sun is out and it's still below freezing

After you mop it takes 30 min to dry instead of 5

You go junk hunting on trash days